Most homeowners are aware they should tend to damage on shingles and gutters right away to avoid severe problems and costly bills, but what about the underlayment of residential roofing in Anaheim, CA? After the outer layer of roofing, the underlayment is one of the most important components in your home. It works to provide insulation as well as protection from the elements. If it sustains damage, however, this layer of materials can put you on the fast track to roof replacement. Here are three more hazards posed by a compromised underlayment.
1. Structural Concerns
One of the biggest concerns roofers worry about with a wet underlayment is the threat of excessive weight. This layer of roofing is designed to stay dry and light to avoid putting unnecessary bulk on your walls. When wet, however, it can put your home’s frame at risk of developing rot or buckling altogether.
2. Toxic Mold
Another danger posed by a water-damaged underlayment is mold. Thanks to its dark and damp conditions, this layer provides the perfect grounds for mold growth. Unfortunately, it can also be difficult to diagnose until the condition is well beyond roof repair in Huntington Beach, CA. Toxic mold is a serious problem that can cause lasting health concerns for you and everyone in your house, so do not delay in evicting these colonies.
3. Extensive Leaks
Asphalt roofing in Newport Beach, is the primary defense against leaks. If water does work its way down through worn shingles, it can fester on the underlayment and lead to major water damage on your walls and ceilings. Sometimes, water can pool in an area of the underlayment only to come gushing through your ceiling. You can avoid this scenario by performing routine inspections with your local roofing contractor.
These are just some of the biggest hazards posed by damaged underlayment, but are far from the only threats.